Get to Know… One of Our Top Affiliates!

Get to Know… One of Our Top Affiliates!

Posted on 29-03-2021 by Wouter Groenewoud

We’ve posted a ‘get to know your Account Manager’ before, but what about the other side?! Let’s find out more about one of our top affiliates who’s with us since 2015!

How did you get into Affiliate Marketing?

Through acquaintances who were active in affiliate marketing. I started getting an interest in the industry and thought; why not try this myself? Mobile content was still very hot back then, so that was the first vertical I tried. Back then, mobile content was still widely available in a lot of GEO’s, so it offered a lot of options for scaling.

When did you start working with Traffic Company, and how did you get in touch?

I started working with Traffic Company in 2015. I heard about TC through acquaintances that were already working with Traffic Company, hence I got in touch and started working with them myself.

How does a regular day look like, for you as an affiliate?

Regularly refreshing my Voluum stats, spying on what other people are doing in terms of banners or landing pages, creating campaigns, testing campaigns, managing sources, improving existing landing pages, creating new landing pages, and thinking about how to improve performance.

What part do you love most about being an affiliate?

Coming up with an idea that might improve the CR / CTR (or whatever metric that affects the performance), setting it up, coding, designing and then seeing if the idea actually had a positive effect. Because I am active in performance marketing, you can directly see the effect a change has on your revenue.

From your point of view, do you think Traffic Company can beat its competitors?

Depends on what they are trying to beat their competitors on ;) I think in terms of mobile monetization, they can be/are one of the best performing networks. Especially when you consider their in-house click2call/click2sms offers that can be run globally.

What was the biggest change in Affiliate Marketing in the past years?

For me it was the decline of the mobile content vertical. This vertical got more and more regulated and therefore it became more difficult to promote. It took me a while to change to a different vertical and actually getting it profitable.

What do you think the future will bring Affiliate Marketing in the next few years?

The days where you could run pretty much any geo successfully on mobile content offers are partially over. It now requires more effort to gain the same revenues on Leadgen, Nutra, Click2Call or whatever vertical you run nowadays. Because of that, it has become more difficult for newcomers to attain, and maintain, a positive business result.

Do you have some interesting advise for your colleague affiliates in the current market?

Try to setup automatization systems as quickly as your funds allow it. Thankfully lots of trackers and ad networks already have certain automatization build in their platforms. This saves you so much time, which in turn, allows you to focus on scaling, and other activities.

What tools do you use when it comes to spy-tools, tracking-platforms or anything else to make you work more easy?

I generally use AdPlexity as spy tool to analyze the market, and I use Voluum as tracking platform. Next to that I make use of Traffic Company’s IVR Performance API in order to stay up to date on what geos and carriers are working well.

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